In 1972, as high as 90% of Americans considered themselves Christian.

By the year 2020, that figure was down to 64 percent. 

In addition, around 30 percent were not affiliated and other religions, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism comprised only 6.1% of people.

In the scenario where nobody in the US alters their beliefs in the next decade, Christianity could claw onto the majority of 54 percent of people in 2070

If the shift in religious beliefs among younger Americans continues at the rate it is today,

Christians would slip below 50 percent of the total population in 2060, resulting in just 46 percent of the total population in 2070.

In this scenario the proportion that Christians within the US could drop to between 35 and 39 percent in 2070.

The percentage of non-religious Americans could reach 52 percent.

In Britain For instance, in Britain the proportion of people who are not affiliated people overtook Christians and became the most populous category in 2009

The researchers also discovered that males tend to be more likely to shift off from Christianity within the US and women tend to be more likely to keep their Christian faith.